Dipl.-Ing. Dorothea Heiss


Kalksburger Straße 6
1230 Vienna




email: dorothea at heisss dot at

phone: (+43) 660 8897500





Professional Career


Since 2022     Business Consultant für innovative high-tech companies

                          Business development, patent strategy, project management, company organization, …

2019-2022      Wien Energie GmbH

                          Business Developer for New Business Fields:

      digital services based on the analysis of energy usage data

      digital health

      hydrogen for heavy traffic


2004 - 2019     Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT)

2017                 Business Manager for Industrial Vision Automation and Control

2014                 Deputy Head High-Performance Image Processing (28 employees)

      substantial contribution to strategy of business unit

2010                 promotion to Senior Research Engineer

2010                 development and lead of a new business case

                          quality inspection for industry

      market analysis and selection of relevant markets: electronics manufacturing, metal processing, coins, infrastructure (rail, road)

      identification und customer-oriented communication of the USPs

      prioritization of research topics and establishment of road maps

      customer acquisition

      design of solution for specific customer problem

      negotiation of contracts (including IPRs) with clients

      development of license models (depending on provisions of exclusivity)

2005 - 2009     Head of Research of High-Performance Image Processing, responsible for a budget of 1.850.000 €.

      manager of approx. 30 projects (customer or publicly funded)

      taking charge of a crisis project (> 1 million €), bringing it back on track and acquiring follow-up orders


2000 - 2004    Eudaptics GmbH (today: Viscovery GmbH)

                          Head of Consultancy for predictive analytics and data mining with
self-organizing neural nets

       product owner of the Viscovery Software (agile development)

       contribution to business plan for investors

       lead of many customer projects, e.g. for Xella/YTONG, which became one of the most successful projects in the 25-year history of Eudaptics (see https://www.viscovery.net/success-stories)



1997 - 1999    EVIS Technologies GmbH (EVolutionary Intelligent Solutions)

       market study on Genetic Programming tools

       scientific study (funded by FFG) on the complexity of evolved programs



1989 - 1997    Alcatel Austria - ELIN research centre

1991                 Head of the Design and Development team (12 employees)
for an object-oriented expert system tool (PAMELA-C++  PAttern Matching Expert LAnguage)

       jointly responsible for marketing and sales of the expert system tool

       responsible for national and international funding of the development

1989/90           Deputy Head of Department (25 employees)

       manager of EU-funded projects (ESPRIT and EUREKA)

       project manager for knowledge engineering and prototyping

       study on the integration of fuzzy logic in an expert system tool



since 1996      member of program committees of international conferences:

       European Machine Vision Forum 2017, Vienna

       International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, ICANNGA 1997 (UK) 

       Second International Symposium on Neural Computation, NC 2000;

       International ISCS Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, EIS in the years 2000, 2002, 2004 (UK, Spain, Portugal)

       International ICSC Symposium on Computational Intelligence, CI 2000

       First International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Neuro Fuzzy Technologies NF 2002 (Cuba).


1990/91            Kurt Gödel-Stipendium (Federal Ministry for Science and Research)
for a 1-year sabbatical as

Guest scientist at Boston University (Boston, Mass. USA)
topic: re-use of expert knowledge databases




University Education

1993 - 1997     parental leave, work on PhD thesis on Genetic Programming

1990 - 1991     guest student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Jan. 1989        Graduation Master Sc. (Computer Science),
Specialization in Artificial Intelligence, Technical University Vienna


Further Education (excerpt)

2013                 Verhandeln nach dem Harvard-Konzept (Business Circle)

2010                 Vertiefendes Vertrags-Know-How für Nicht-Juristen (Business Circle)


Publications, Talks, Patents

      (co-)inventor of 22 patents (national and international)

      numerous talks, especially at industry conferences, 10 invited talks

      1 book chapter:
D. Heiss, B. Kuchinka
"Self-Organizing Map-basiertes Customer Behavior Modeling als Schlüssel zur digitalen Kundennähe"; in: "In: Handbuch Electronic Customer Care. Ed. by: Salmen S.; Gröschel M.;", Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN: 3-7908-0243-3, S. 105 - 120.

      23 scientific publications (excerpt)

1.    Heiss-Czedik D.:
“Is Genetic Programming Dependent on High-level Primitives?”; International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA´97), Norwich, UK, 1997 and in
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Springer, Vienna, 1998.

2.    D. Heiss-Czedik, I. Bajla
Using Self-Organizing Maps for object classification in Epo image analysis"; 
Measurement Science Review, Vol. 5 (2005), Nr. 2; S. 11 - 16.

3.    D. Heiss-Czedik, R. Huber-Mörk, D. Soukup, H. Penz, B. Lopez Garcia: 
"Demosaicing algorithms for area- and line-scan cameras in print inspection"; 
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 20 (2009), 6; S. 389 - 398.

Interviews and articles

22.06.2017      Machine Vision Trends 2017 - 7 experts about the most important developments; World of Industries


19.06.2015      Elf Meter pro Sekunde: Banknoten blitzschnell überprüfen, Die Presse

24.3.2015        Frauenspuren, TU Wien

19.02.2008      Keine zwei Münzen gleichen einander zu 100 Prozent, Die Presse

19.06.2007      Geistesblitz: Die Bildverarbeiterin, Der Standard